Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Wish List 2014; ♥❅

Hey guys!
I am finally all wrapped and ready to enjoy christmas day tomorrow!
As I sit and type this post I am curled up in bed with my dog and a hot chocolate! My little brother is asleep and everything is quiet in the house.

My Christmas Wish List this year is pretty small compared to other years. I pretty much have everything I could need or want and have honestly found it a struggle to write a list to Santa this year!

Of course lipsticks and lip products have made their way onto my list as well as a fragrance and the new one direction album but there is one thing on my list in which I never thought in a million years my 19 year old self would be asking for. Mr Frosty. If you don't know what a Mr Frosty is, it is an ice machine which crushes your ice and you then you add syrup to make an ice lolly which you can freeze or a slush which you can then drink. I have a penguin version of this when I was little and must have lost it while moving from one house to another.
Honestly to me the presents aren't that important and I know many people say that but I truly mean it.
I love spending time with my mom, dad and brother! Christmas morning is one of the best times of the year. I love seeing my brothers face when he opens a present and seeing my mom and dads reaction to what i have brought them that year as a thank you for putting up with me that year and helping me out when I have needed them!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas day and enjoy spending time with your families.
If you don't celebrate Christmas i hope you have a wonderful day whatever you may be doing!
I wont be posting this Sunday because we will be out and about visiting family and for the most of it I will be playing with all the goodies Santa has brought me! Haha!

Take Care
Post Soon x

Sunday 21 December 2014

Meeting Union J ♥

Hey guys!
So yesterday myself and Jess stood in a line in the cold for nearly 3 hours to meet Union J and get them to sign their latest album!
Although it was freezing cold and I couldn't feel my toes it was all worth it in the end! 
As we walked towards the table where they were they were all smiling and honestly looks so happy to be there in that moment with everyone which was so adorable! As I walked up to the table the first person I met was Josh!
Josh looked at me a state of shock and i honestly wondered what I had done! He then carried on to tell me hair was amazing and he needed to take a picture of it (My hair is bright bright purple with random bits of blue and pink in it at the moment) He took out his phone and took pictures of me and my hair haha!
I then carried on down the line next was JJ
He wished me a merry christmas and was smiling from ear to ear!
Next was George who I didn't get to speak to because we were being told to move down the line quicker and he also moved when I tried to take a picture with him but I didn't really mind!
Last but no least was the wonderful Jaymi!
He is so cute and asked how I was and we had the smallest conversation ever but it was so cute! He also wished me a merry christmas before handing me my CD and me moving to the side to wait for Jess!

Jess had made some beautiful cupcakes for all 4 of them. Ill insert a picture at the end of the post as well as the pictures I took with each other boys!
It was honestly one of the best Saturday nights of my life!

Hope you guys are okay!
Have you met anyone famous recently?
Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas Preparation! ♥❅

Hey guys!
It is 1 week and 1 day until christmas! ARE YOU EXCITED?!
I feel like I am behind on so many things this year!
I had brought all my presents for everyone at the beginning of the month but just needed to get little bits and bobs to add as "stocking fillers".
Last year every time I purchased a present I would wrap it up and place it in the select pile for that person. This year however I haven't done that! They are all laid out on my bedroom floor or in bags still not wrapped!
I've spent most of this week and college but tomorrow I finish until the 6th January! I'm super excited to have some time off and not have to travel for an hour plus to get there!

Hopefully *Fingers crossed* by christmas eve eve (Tuesday 23rd) everything will be wrapped and handed out so I can then chill and be ready for the big day!
Also in the past week I have watched ELF about 5 times and have drank hot chocolate every single night before bed.
I love this time of year, I just wish it wasn't so cold as it is here in England.

I hope you are all in the christmas spirit and have having a wonderful time with family and loved ones!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Sunday 14 December 2014

Urban Decay Naked Basics: Real vs Fake. ♥

Hey guys!
Today's post is going to be about the Naked Basics Palette.
A couple of months ago I was gifted the Naked Basics from my mom on the way back from her trip to Spain.
I had been randomly looking on eBay as you do and a Naked Basics Palette came up which was ending soon. I've always wanted to do one of these comparison posts so today is the day i can finally do one! YEAH!
The Original Naked Basics retails for £22.00 on the official Urban Decay website and the fake i brought cost me £2.10 (on auction) I believe.

So let's look at them side by side.
Can you guess which one is the fake?

Left is the Original
Right is the fake

Okay! So the first picture of the outer packing you can see the the right one has more of a brown tint than the original one which is more of a golden colour. There are also small little details like the "B" in Basics being bolder on the fake one than the real one.

I have also found that the fake one tends to get more messy and scratch easily than the original as it is made of a a cheaper material.

If we take a look at the second picture we can see the inside of the palette. As you can see the names underneath the shadows have also changed. This will have been done for copyright allegations.
The colours in the pan are pretty much identical as you can see.
The only colour which does look different just from looking at the palette is "Faint". You can also see from the pictures that i have a couple of chips and scraps on it and that is due to the products in the pans which i will explain and you will see why when i show you the following pictures.

Okay so lets get on with the colours!
On each swatch the real Naked basics shadow is on the left and the sake is on the right

The first colour is "Faint" vs. "Half Baked"

As you can see "Half Baked" has a few more metallic finish that "Faint" as well as it being more white than "Faint" which has more of a cream base.
They are both however both beautiful colours and are so similar it is insane!

The next colour is "Foxy" vs. "Booty Call"

Both of these eye shadows are very powdery but "Foxy" does have more pigment than "Booty Call". They are pretty much the same colour, it is just a shame about the pigmentation of the fake shadow.

The next colour is "Walk of Shame" vs. "Chopper"

For some reason these shades didn't want to show up on my skin. As we can see from the picture above "Walk of Shame" is very soft and creamy compared to "Chopper" which is very powdery and has a lot of fall out. They are pretty much the same colours but like the shadows before the pigment is a let down.

The next colour is "Naked 2" vs. "YDK"

As we can see from the swatches "Naked 2" is a chocolate milk shade and "YDK" has more of a red tint to it. They is possibly the only one out of the whole fake palette which doesn't resemble the real one. The pigmentation on this colour from the fake palette isn't that bad and doesn't cause major fall out.

The next colour is "Faint" vs. "Busted"

From the picture we can see that "Faint" is a dark brown and has better pigmentation than "Busted". However this is one of my favourite colours from the fake palette. It is a good transition shade when creating a dark smokey eye.

The last shade is "Crave" vs. "Verve"

Both of these black shadows are rather fantastic, I have purchased worse single black shadows in the past from various brands. Both of these need building up. "Crave" is a bit more pigmented than "Verve". They both have the same amount of fall out but "Crave" is still the better shadow.

So all together you can see the different between each shadow and how to spot a real and a fake palette. You do get what you pay for and even though the fake palette isn't bad and the price was literally nothing i would still rather by the real one and know I have 6 well pigmented shadows to work with.
What do you guys think?
I hope you liked this blog post. I thought it would be something different to break up the festive celebration posts haha!
Happy Sunday!
Have a good day/night where ever you are in the world
Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Favourite Festive Films! ♥❅

Hey guys!
So my last post was my Favourite Festive Album and this post is going to be my Favourite Festive Films as you can tell by the title!

I have a list of so many christmas films I still have to watch but from the ones I have seen these of my favourites!

#1 - ELF

If you have never seen this film you are seriously missing out!
I love this film so much and you know its christmas when I whip the DVD out and put it on the side of the DVD player down stairs!
Me and my brother literally watch this film every single week during December, we can be quoting the film back and forth from each other all the time!

#2 - The Polar Express

This film is what me and my family class as our "Christmas EVE film". Every single year without fail we have watched this film on christmas eve before going to bed. It is an animated film and the story behind it so cute and christmas-y it is beautiful!

What is your favourite Christmas film?
Only 15 sleeps until Christmas!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Sunday 7 December 2014

Favourite Festive Album! ♥❅

Hey guys!
Hope you are all okay!
I've been finding it a real struggle this year to get into that wonderful christmas spirit. I'm not sure what it is but it doesn't feel very christmasy.
However I have put my little tree up in my room and have started to make the rest of the house look all festive with my little brother and I have today. It's beginning to look like Christmas!!

All day today I have listened to nothing but christmas songs and it had been splendid! The one album I have been replaying is


What is your favourite christmas song or album?
Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Hello December ♥❅

Hey guys!
Yes. Santa is on his way. He's checking the naughty and nice lists and is making toys for all the boys and girls! I love December. All the christmas lights, dark nights, hot chocolates and time spent with family!
I hope you are all okay and are as excited for christmas and the holiday season as I am!
Image from Tumblr

Also if you haven't noticed I have changed the background to my blog!
I've tried to make it a bit more festive and wintry!
I hope you are all okay.
Take Care
Post Soon x

Sunday 30 November 2014

You are more.

Hey guys! 
I hope you are all doing well!
I have been meaning to post this video for a while now.
This video speaks to everyone. 
Michelle Phan is one incredible woman. True inspiration. 
Take some time to watch this video and really take time to absorb the message.

Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Vamps Concert Throwback! ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you are all okay.Recently I have been looking back at concert pictures getting myself excited for free radio live which is on Saturday! Most likely my post on Sunday will be all about the concert and pictures!
I was scrolling through my YouTube subscriptions and came across this video:

This video brought back so many happy memories!
I sat the whole time watching it with a huge smile on my face and a happy tear in my eye!
I can't wait to see them next year with Union J!
Have you guys got any concerts coming up/ or are wishing you can go back in time too?
Take Care
Post Soon x

Sunday 23 November 2014

Essence Lip-liner Review ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you are all okay!
Today's post is going to be about some lip-liners I have been loving at the moment!
Many budget lip liners i have tried have either been really hard or have not done the job intended. These however do not have those problems.

I have heard about the brand Essence from many people in the past and after trying the glow in the dark nail polish which i did a review on previously, I didn't really thing the brand was going to be any good until I picked up these liners!

I purchased two of these liners are you can see below.

The one at the top is #12 Wish me a rose. 
The one underneath is #06 Satin Mauve.

Both of these colours are ones I would never normally go for but i thought i would give them a go! I brought these from Wilkos, they were £1 each which is how much a lip pencil from MUA would cost!
These lip liners are so creamy and wonderful! When they are on your lips they wont move which I think is wonderful!

If you can get your hands on these lip liners I recommend you do so! They are amazing for the price!
 Let me know if you guys have tried these liners and what you think of them!
Hope you are having a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Sainsbury's Christmas Advert 2014! ♥

Hey guys!
I am back with another Christmas advertisement that has recently been announced in the UK.
This time it is for Sainsbury's for those of you who don't know what Sainsbury's is it is a supermarket.
This advert is so heartwarming and take us for a little ride back into the past to Christmas EVE 1914 - World War 1
It is a wonderful advertisement and you need to see it! I can't say much about it part from the fact it is wonderful!
Let me know what you think!

Take Care

Post Soon x

Sunday 16 November 2014

John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014; #MontyThePenguin ♥

Hey guys!
AHHH! It's that time of the year again when adverts for a certain season are being released one but one... I don't want to say the word because we are in November and it feels wrong. I'm gonna do it... CHRISTMAS!! AHHH!!
We are so close and it excites me more than it should! I am literally like a child when it comes to the holiday season!

If you are not from the UK you may not know what John Lewis is. It is a department store which recently starting last year they bring out a cute little Christmas advert to warm our hearts! Last year we got to see a love story between a snowmen and snow women  and his quest to bring his love a new hat and scarf! This year we meet a little boy and the adorable Monty the penguin! He is such a gem and the story to go along with it is also heart warming and so precious! 
Take a look at it yourselves and let me know what you think!

Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Film Review! ♥

Hey Guys!
So today me and Jess went to see
"Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"
It is such a long name for a film for a not very long film haha!

Plot from Google:

Following the exploits of 11-year-old Alexander as he experiences the most terrible and horrible day of his young life-a day that begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by one calamity after another, but when Alexander tells his upbeat family about the misadventures of his disastrous day, he finds little sympathy and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him. He soon learns that he's not alone when his brother, sister, mom and dad all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day after making a wish. Anyone who says there is no such thing as a bad day just hasn't had one.

The real reason for me and Jess going to see this film was because of the song at the end... The Vamps have a song called Hurricane which is features at the end of the film! Me and Jess fell in love with the song and when we found out it was for this film we just had to go and see it!
We had the cinema to ourselves which was fabulous! We could sing, laugh and talk and not worry about other people in the theater haha!
Every single actor and actress in this film fit the role perfectly!
Steve Carell is hilarious and as seen in previous film makes a wonderful fake dad and i am not really a huge fan of Jennifer Garner but she also fit the role perfectly! Also I have never seen a cuter baby than the one in this film!
The film has elements of Australia in it which Jess LOVED! haha!This film is a good old family good feeling film! It is also a good uplifting film as it shows not only children but adults that if a day starts bad it can get better! Life lessons from a film are my favorite!
I would 110% recommend you going to see this film at your local cinema (if it is showing) and enjoy it!
I know it is Disney but everyone needs a bit of Disney in their lives from wishing you were a princess to watching a little family film like this one!
Let me know what you guys think of this film if you have seen it!
Hope you are having a wonderful day or evening wherever you are!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Sunday 9 November 2014

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood App ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you are all doing well!
Before I get into the real reason for posting this post i wanted to just refer back to the post I made on Wednesday. I finally feel like I am getting back to feeling "Normal". I didn't go to college on the Friday after posting that post and it made a hell of a lot of difference. I was able to sleep in longer so I felt refreshed from that and then being able to spend half of the day when I would have been at college sorting through draws and my make up and clothes made the day that bit bright too. I honest think posting that and me seeing what i needed to do made the world of difference. For it to be there in front of me and for me to see what needed to be done helped!
 (If you are not sure on what post i am on about click here)

I know the last post want exciting but i hope this one is a bit better!

So... Kim Kardashian Hollywood. This game has been around for ages and is still wrecking my life to this day. I have no idea what it is about this game that is so addictive but it is. I have had this post in my draft folder for a while now and every time I go to add to it I forget what I want to put haha!
If you don't know what Kim Kardashian Hollywood is; it is and app for android and apple products. The application allows you to build yourself a profile and work your way up the social popularity ladder to become an A Lister. From going on dates to spending 8 hours in a club promoting things this game is like looking after one of those little 
tamagotchi pets I used to have a kid. Every hour or two you need to log into the game to complete or add stars to the event you are in. The game has become less addictive that it was at the beginning of the release where everyone and their mothers were playing on it but now may people think its old news and is boring. I have refreshed this game twice since it first came out. Once because it was lagging and the second time i got bored of waiting for updates for more event for me to complete.
The recent update to the game is where you can buy yourself a private jet meaning that the if you buy the plane you never have to pay for travelling to places such as Florence, Italy, Sydney and now with the new update India! The new update also allows you to move up a level quicker which is what annoyed me about the first time I played the game. It was easy to move from E to D listers and even to C but any higher it was a pain. 
Many people have been complaining (mainly parents) about the in-app purchases that they children who are playing the app have being building up. There are two simple things you can do to stop this and stop the complaining of the bills. Stop you children playing the app or disconnect your card from the apple ID account and put the information for a card which has no money in it and is hardly used if you are worried that your children are gonna keep running up a high bill.
I personally believe this app is good and bad. It is good in the way of showing some younger children what many celebrities go through on many of their working days. Also at the beginning of the game you have many people not wanting to know you and brush you off but as you gain success more people want to know you and talk to you. This is sort of a life lesson, not everyone will like you and you need to stay down to earth and true to yourself else you can loose you head in real life and in the game and run away with a dream that is possibly destined to end badly. 
Also can we just reflect on how much money Kim K is getting for this game. She has made millions of this game. She is estimated to make around $200 million from the game just this year. (Source Google;it may be wrong) but still she has made a fair few million off the game!
I give the woman props. If i could i would make a game that is as simple as a virtual life and make millions from it!
I do like this game and i will continue to play it in my downtime. What do you guys think of the game? I know many people love it and many people hate it. I guess it just depends what you look for in a game haha!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post more than my last one!

Hopefully if you guys enjoy this post enough i will do a post on my top 5 apps and what on my iPhone soon!
Image from Google
Have a wonderful day or evening where ever you are!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Today's Thoughts.

Hey guys
Hope you are all okay!
I'm not sure what this post is going to be about.
 "My mind is everywhere and no where at the same time." 
I have been really busy over the past week with college stuff and I still have things to sort out. I know we have just had a week off and I have been back for two days but I need another week off to get over this week. I have hardly had time to really stop of thing about what to put on this blog. 
I have been putting myself under so much pressure and it's not healthy. I am hardly ever ill and the past couple of days I have been feeling really down, ill, cold and tired. 
I need to tidy my room, random I know but it is a mess. I have makeup all over my desk, clothes on the floor, college paper work and wires everywhere. It is really starting to bug me because I feel like my life isn't together if my living space isn't. Talking of cleaning I need to clean my car. It has been a good month since I last cleaned it but I keep getting out off by the weather and how cold it is. 

I feel like over the next couple of days I need to sort my life out and go back to the normal me... If there is a normal me... The usual me should I say. Hopefully by Sunday I will be all sorted and have a worth while reading post for you guys.
I hope you are having a good day or night wherever you are.
Take Care 
Post Soon x

Sunday 2 November 2014

Taylor Swift - 1989 Album ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you are all okay.
Today's post is going to be on a new album by the talented and much loved Taylor Swift!
I love Taylor Swift and her music and dream of the day when I can go and see her live!
Her new album 1989 is amazing and the packaging of the physical CD is stunning! I honestly can't pick my favorite song from the album they all speak to me in different ways!
Welcome to New York is a perfect song to open the album with and from there on out the album just gets better! The recent single of Shake it off is also features on the album.
If you haven't had a listen to the album I recommend you do and if you fall in love with it like it did go out and buy the physical copy of the CD just for the packaging and the polaroids inside!

Image from Google

Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 29 October 2014

One Directions - Steal My Girl ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you are all doing great! 

Today's post is going to be on a music video! 
In the past week VEVO have been putting out statements saying that they maybe taking down the one direction video due to the amount of people watching the video is too much for them to count! 
The one direction fanbase (Directioners) go hard any time there is anything to do with the boys from trying to break vevo records to voting for them to win an award! 
I respect the fanbase so much for pushing for the thing they want the boys to achieve! I am a directioners myself just not as much as a die hard fan as many are, I enjoy their music, their merchandise and have respect for the boys themselves and the choices they make.
If you haven't seen the video yet I'm not sure where you have been for the past 5 days from when the video was released but they have racked up nearly 14 million views and the viewer count is rising with every minute of the day! 

I love the song and the video is amazing! I can't wait for the rest of their album and more music videos from them in the future!
Go check out the video and enjoy the angelic voices of One Direction!

Take care 
Post soon x 

Sunday 26 October 2014

The Vamps Concert 06-10-2014 ♥

 Hey guys!
As promised a couple of posts back I said I would be posting some pictures of my time at the vamps concert I went to in Birmingham!
I hope you like the pictures and are having a wonderful day!

Take Care
Post Soon x