Sunday 22 January 2017

The Money Jar. ♥

Hey guys!
I hope you're all okay!
I ended last year with hardly any money to call my own as most of my money goes into my business. 
I vowed this year that I would try and save some money so I knew come the end of the year I could spend a little on myself in which ever way I choose.
Over the past couple of year I have seen the '356 day' money jar challenge going around which is where you put 1p in a jar on day 1 and each day you add 1p extra in each time. So on day 3 you will but 3p into the jar and on day 112 you will put £1.12 in ect. Over the whole year you end up with £667.95 at the end of the year which is and amazing idea.
However I am one of those people who will forget about the whole challenge by day 20 and won't remember again until day 50. 
So this year I have just decided to put any amount in a jar at the end of the week. Everytime I get given a £2 coin it automatically goes in the money jar at the end of the week along with any small change like 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p. My first week I put £6 in and at the end of this week I have put £12 in. All together so far I have about £26.30 and we are only 3 weeks into January. Not every month is going to be as high in value as others but thats okay because it is all adding up to the bigger picture. I can't wait to look back at the end of the year and see how much I have put into the jar!
What do you guys think of the '365 day' challenge? Are any of you doing it this year?\
Take Care
Post Soon x

Sunday 15 January 2017


Hey guys!
Over the past couple of days I have struggled to sleep.
I'm not 100% sure why. I don't know if it's because I am stressed about the upcoming week as I have 5 cakes booked in or what.
I was doing research about 'Why I couldn't sleep' because in this day and age the first thing you do with any question you may have about anything from general knowledge to what type of illness you may have, which let me just add is such a bad idea! Half of the time it comes back that you are dying or had a serious condition and half the time it's something simple like a cold but while researching I came across some articles which spoke about using a phone before trying to go to sleep. 
Blue light keep the mind awake even when you turn down the brightness on your phone like I always do as I have notifications coming through from twitter. Has anyone else noticed that even with the new 'Night Mode' that apple has added ITS STILL TOO BRIGHT!!!
So I have recently started to not go on my phone from about 10:30pm or 11pm just to give my eyes a rest from my phone screen. I still watch about 30 minutes of TV once in bed but I have been trying to relax with no lights on by 11:30pm or 12pm to help me sleep. This has honestly worked a treat. I have been able to get to sleep quicker and woke up more freshed. I am always on my phone I have to be with most of my customers coming from facebook. However it is always a good idea to take a step back and have a break and that what I plan on doing more this year. Everyone needs sleep to function and sometime I feel like I need to more than most haha!
How much sleep do you guys get a night?
Take Care
Post Soon x  

Sunday 8 January 2017


Hey guys!
The first week of 2017 is over and it has been busy!
I had 2 wonderful cakes to make one tinkerbell cake for a little 3 year old girl and one of our 'signature' chocolate overload cakes for an 18 year old male!
Of course with a new year like most of these post I talk about going on a diet blah blah blah. I'm not putting a label on it this year. I am just simply changing my eating habits and adding healthier choices into my diet.
This whole first week I have been trying to drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day and I have actually been sticking to it! (pat on the back to me) however I don't know how long i will last as the downside with drinking so much I keep needing to pee which is a HUGE pain up the backside!

Last year I didn't have much time towards the end of the year for this blog I always start strong at the beginning of the year and fall short towards the end and honestly I have missed sitting with my laptop and writing down my thoughts.
I miss writing reviews and putting my experiences down somewhere I can look back at. I have promised myself this year I will blog more even if it means when I have more time writing a few and posting them as each week passes. My main problem is not just the time factor but inspiration. 

For 2017 I don't want to make many goals. I find I end up feeling down by the end of the year when I only achieve a few I have set and not all of them so this year I plan on making monthly goals which I know I will be able to achieve and feel better in myself.

I hope the beginning of 2017 has been a good one for you and I have the rest of the year is the same! I hope happiness, love and support shines upon everyone reading this right now and everyone in the world. 
What are you goals for 2017?
Happy 2017!
Take Care
Post Soon x