Sunday 19 February 2017

Jack Whitehall - 160217 ♥

Hey guys!
The other day I went to see Jack Whitehall at the Genting arena with Jessica!
When we first booked tickets I was a tad dubious as to if he will be as funny as he is on TV. Jess had seen him before and said he was funny and she wasn't wrong he was hilarious! Right from the beginning of the show my sides were hurting from laughing so much.
I don't know any other comedian that can ride on a horse so casually have it take a poop of the stage and make such a drama out of it seem so funny as he did!
He has so many stories to tell from him playing 'Would You Rather' with a 13 year old at a wedding to his awkward situation with one of his friends 'Dave' who he was keeping his identity a secret for the sake of his friend since the story was all to do with the royal family - to be specific Prince Harry but later revealed not only is name but his twitter handle as told people to start tweeting him about the story!
My favourite part about the whole show has to be the story about his little part in a well known film - Frozen - He played he character Gothi the Troll. Does sound familiar? There is a reason for that... They cut him out of the film. The ending of the show was all to do with this with a lady singing 'Let It Go' and jack following onto the stage dressed in a green inflatable suit dress more like shrek than a troll!
It was a wonderful night and I will definitely be going to see him again in the future if he tours Birmingham.
Have you guys see him?
Here are a few photo of the night to finish off the post - Enjoy!




Take Care
Post Soon x