Sunday 9 November 2014

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood App ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you are all doing well!
Before I get into the real reason for posting this post i wanted to just refer back to the post I made on Wednesday. I finally feel like I am getting back to feeling "Normal". I didn't go to college on the Friday after posting that post and it made a hell of a lot of difference. I was able to sleep in longer so I felt refreshed from that and then being able to spend half of the day when I would have been at college sorting through draws and my make up and clothes made the day that bit bright too. I honest think posting that and me seeing what i needed to do made the world of difference. For it to be there in front of me and for me to see what needed to be done helped!
 (If you are not sure on what post i am on about click here)

I know the last post want exciting but i hope this one is a bit better!

So... Kim Kardashian Hollywood. This game has been around for ages and is still wrecking my life to this day. I have no idea what it is about this game that is so addictive but it is. I have had this post in my draft folder for a while now and every time I go to add to it I forget what I want to put haha!
If you don't know what Kim Kardashian Hollywood is; it is and app for android and apple products. The application allows you to build yourself a profile and work your way up the social popularity ladder to become an A Lister. From going on dates to spending 8 hours in a club promoting things this game is like looking after one of those little 
tamagotchi pets I used to have a kid. Every hour or two you need to log into the game to complete or add stars to the event you are in. The game has become less addictive that it was at the beginning of the release where everyone and their mothers were playing on it but now may people think its old news and is boring. I have refreshed this game twice since it first came out. Once because it was lagging and the second time i got bored of waiting for updates for more event for me to complete.
The recent update to the game is where you can buy yourself a private jet meaning that the if you buy the plane you never have to pay for travelling to places such as Florence, Italy, Sydney and now with the new update India! The new update also allows you to move up a level quicker which is what annoyed me about the first time I played the game. It was easy to move from E to D listers and even to C but any higher it was a pain. 
Many people have been complaining (mainly parents) about the in-app purchases that they children who are playing the app have being building up. There are two simple things you can do to stop this and stop the complaining of the bills. Stop you children playing the app or disconnect your card from the apple ID account and put the information for a card which has no money in it and is hardly used if you are worried that your children are gonna keep running up a high bill.
I personally believe this app is good and bad. It is good in the way of showing some younger children what many celebrities go through on many of their working days. Also at the beginning of the game you have many people not wanting to know you and brush you off but as you gain success more people want to know you and talk to you. This is sort of a life lesson, not everyone will like you and you need to stay down to earth and true to yourself else you can loose you head in real life and in the game and run away with a dream that is possibly destined to end badly. 
Also can we just reflect on how much money Kim K is getting for this game. She has made millions of this game. She is estimated to make around $200 million from the game just this year. (Source Google;it may be wrong) but still she has made a fair few million off the game!
I give the woman props. If i could i would make a game that is as simple as a virtual life and make millions from it!
I do like this game and i will continue to play it in my downtime. What do you guys think of the game? I know many people love it and many people hate it. I guess it just depends what you look for in a game haha!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post more than my last one!

Hopefully if you guys enjoy this post enough i will do a post on my top 5 apps and what on my iPhone soon!
Image from Google
Have a wonderful day or evening where ever you are!
Take Care
Post Soon x

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