Sunday 28 September 2014

General Feedback.

Hey Guys!
I hope you are all well.
Today's post is something you guys can help me with, I know many of you read this blog and I want your feedback on it.
I enjoy writing on this blog and want to make it more interactive.
I have had a few of you message me via google+ and we have had some great conversation but I feel like I haven't got to know many of you.
If you guys have any ideas on what posts you guys want to see in the future or ways in which you want me to expand my blog via other social media sites like Twitter please let me know by dropping me a message on google+ or leaving a comment under this or any of your favourite posts on my blog!
Thank you!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Zoella. ♥

Hey guys! 
Today's post is going to be a celebration post!
I'm guessing everyone or almost everyone knows who Zoella is. If you don't where have you been living?! Under a rock? (If you are one of those people who don't know who she is Google her, YouTube search her, Twitter search, Google image etc. Where ever you search you will find out who she is!
Today the wonderful Zoe Sugg from YouTube reached 6 millions subscribers!
I'm so proud of how far she has come! I started watching her videos when she had less than 100,000 subscribers and now to think that over 6 million people what her videos And have subscribed to her channel is CRAZY! I can't even think of what Zoe is thinking when she reaches a giant milestone like that! 
I'm so excited to see what the future has to hold for Zoe and I cannot wait for Zoella Beauty which is revealed tomorrow! The line will be available on-line from Friday 26th September and available in superdrug stores from Monday 29th September! I'm super excited! 
I shall be getting my hands on the goodies from the collection as soon as possible and reviewing it for you guys! 
Anyways! CONGRATULATIONS ZOELLA!! (Even thought you won't see this post) 

Photo was found on Google images. All rights go to owner.
Post soon
Take care x

Sunday 21 September 2014

Sigma - Changing (feat. Paloma Faith) ♥

Hey guys!
So this song is this weeks #1 if I am not mistaken!
I am not a big Paloma Faith fan but this song is amazing and suits her voice so much! I love Sigma, such a talent and i can't wait to hear more music from them! I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Thursday 18 September 2014

Writers block.

Hey guys!
So today has been a funny day. I've have been really tired, unproductive and unimaginative. 
I wanted to put a review up today but I just wasn't feeling the post I had created. 
I have been back and forth with many other ideas on what I wanted to write about but nothing had caught my attention. I hate not having a post up on the days I usually post unless it's for a valid reason like the previous post that I did about fusion festival. 
I plan on posting on Sunday to make up for this pathetic post and I hope you guys enjoy it!
 I hope life is treating you well!
Take care
Post soon x

Sunday 14 September 2014

One Direction. New album. Free song. New Single. ♥

Hey guys!
So recently the lovely One Direction boys have told the world the title of their new album coming out soon (Four) and revealed that you are able to go and download a song from their album straight away as a little taster of what you will be getting on the album (Fireproof) and TODAY they have revealed their new single is going to be called "Steal My Girl" AHHHHH!! I think my head is about to explode!

I was bit nervous to listen to their new song because of high expectations. I love Midnight Memories (Album) and I didn't want them to change their sound in case they changed for the worse but I love the new sound of the album. If the rest of the album is like the free downloadable song then I am super excited for more!

It is defiantly a song that will grow on you if you don't like it to begin with as many song are nowadays. I had to listen to it a couple of times myself to get a real feel for it but I now can't stop listening to it!!

"Steal My Girl" is the next single is going to be out on 29th September which is sooooo close! I AM SO EXCITED!!

As you can see from the picture below the album is expected on 17 November this year! I know iTunes sometimes lies about the release date of an album (Trust me I know they have done it for a few albums and EPs I have pre-ordered) but you can pre-order it so when it is available you can click download and enjoy the lovely voices of One Direction!

SO! What are you waiting for! I am going to go and pre-order the album as soon as I am done writing this post! If you also want to pre-order it you can HERE!
You can also listen to their free downloadable song HERE!
AND you go visit their main site for more information and beautiful pictures of Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis & Liam!

I hope you are all doing well and are ready for the week ahead!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Baking with Sophie & Jess! - Chocolate Orange Soda Cupcakes ♥

Hey guys!
I hope you are all doing well!
Today's post is going to be about some cupcakes that me and Jess made on Monday.

 Last time she was making cupcakes she was looking on the internet for other random things that people make cake out of and we found something called a soda cake. If you are unfamiliar with what soda is, it is the american equivalent to pop or a fizzy drink. We saw some different ones that people has done and decided that none of them seemed like they would taste good until we got to one where someone had used an orange fizzy drink.
Jess said she wanted to try and make one so that's what we did!

There are only three ingredients you are going to need for this recipe:
A box chocolate cake mix (Me and Jess used Betty Crocker devil chocolate cake)
Can of pop (Me and Jess used Orange Fanta)

Betty Crocker Devil Chocolate Fudge Icing (You can also make your own icing if you wish)

1. The first thing you need to do is preheat the oven to the temperature that is stated on the back on the box. We were using a gas oven so we put it on gas mark 4.

2. Empty your cake mixture into a bowl and add your can of soda

3. Mix well until you can see that both of the wet and dry ingredients have come together and that there are no lumps

The soda as all the elements that the cakes need to help bake them!

4. Place into two circle cake trays if you are making a huge cake or if you are doing cupcakes place then into some paper cases. We got about 22 cakes from this batch but you could get round 24

5. Place into the oven and watch them rise!
If you are unsure if your cakes are cooked all the way through stick a fork, toothpick or skewer into the centre of the cake and if the utensil comes out clean the cake is ready!

6.Leave on the side to cool down for a while. You don't want to be placing icing on hot cake else it will just melt and look a mess!

7.Add you chosen icing, Either store brought or home made. At this point you can either spread the icing on or if you want them look professional like jess did you can use a piping bag and a nozzle and make one hell of  beautiful pattern on the top!

8. (Optional) You can now add your decorations to the top of your cake/cupcakes. Me and jess went with small edible golden balls as you can see from the picture below

9. Make a cup of tea or hot beverage of your choice and...

 10. ENJOY!

I hope you guys liked this post, I thought it was something different and my friend Jess makes the best cupcakes and cakes so I thought I would share with you how we made one of the cakes
These turned out really good even thought we were a bit sceptical that they would turn out rubbish. The only hiccup we has it that by the time was up that the box recommended the bottoms were still squishy and not a cake texture. However we just put them in for a bit longer and they were okay once that had cooled! You can't really taste a lot of orange from this cake which is what I was expecting but they still taste good!

This is how I got my cupcakes home. I strapped them into my car seat with the seat belt and took them on a little drive :)

I hope you are having a good week!
Take Care
Post Soon x

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Fusion Festival 2014 - Sunday ♥

Hey guys!
I didn't get around to posting on Sunday because i was standing in a wet grassed park watching some amazing music!
Fusion festival is a weekend concert in Cofton Park, Birmingham. Its in association with Capital FM, 4Music and supports the Prince's Trust. If you would like more information go to the official Fusion website Fusion Festival
For those of you who didn't know me and Jess went last year as well. I didn't make a post on it last year but i wish i had.
There were some amazing artist there this year from Jessie J, The wanted minus Nathan, Union J, Lawson and many more.
Me and Jess had a standard ticket to the show but managed to set to the barrier of the section we were aloud into and we were still close just not as close as the people at the front by the stage haha!
Let me know if you guys went and who was your favourite act of the day. Mine was Jessie J by a millions miles. She was amazing, stunning, energetic, perfect. So many words that could sum up this beautifully talented human being! I sang every word and dances around to every song. It was mind blowing!
I thought I would leave you with some of my favorite pictures from the weekend! I hope you have a good weekend also and are all ready to go back to school.
Keep your chin up.





Take Care
Post Soon x