Tuesday 24 December 2013

Winter Wonderland - TAG ♥

Hey guys!
It's Christmas Eve!!! I'm so excited for Christmas and i thought it was appropriate for me to do this 'Winter Wonderland Tag' which i saw from Miss Budget Beauty off YouTube who is an amazing YouTuber who I've watch for years, so check her response to this tag!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas i hope you have a wonderful holiday with family & friends :)
So lets get on with the tag!

1. Favorite thing about winter?
My favorite thing about winter has to be the cold weather... I know many people hate it but i honestly like it, i find it easier to warm myself up than to cool myself down during the summer... I'm a strange child i know!

2. Scarves or Beanies?
Scarves all the way! I have huge bushy hair anyways so that keeps my head warm and I've never really been a hat person. I don't mind them messing my hair up because almost everyday i rock the 'I just got out of bed hair' anyways haha!

3. Favorite holiday movie?
I have different favorite films for each part of the holiday. Throughout most of December i will watch ELF over and over again. I never get bored of it but on Christmas Eve i have to watch Polar Express in my bed before i sleep, i can't watch it any other time in December... Weird holiday tradition i know...

4. Favorite winter nail polish?
I have too many nail polishes to pick one. During the winter i like vampy/red/purple colours. I honestly just pick a random colour that i like the look of at the time and paint my nails with it haha!

5. Favorite Starbucks Holiday Drink?
White Chocolate Mocha with half a shot of peppermint. Longest coffee order drink ever but its soooooo nice! i have it every Christmas and i just love it! 

6. What are your top 3 winter essentials?
Lush lip scrub in bubblegum
Avon Color trend lip balm in Sugar Cookie
Dry skin moisturizer
If i use these during the holiday season my skin is so soft and my red lipstick apply smoothly

7. Name one item on your wish list this year.
I haven't really got a list, I've just ask for some more lipsticks to add to my collection because a girl can never have too many lipsticks. That's a fact!

8. Favorite holiday song?
Does Michael Bubles Christmas Album count as a song? That whole album is fabulous and really gets me into the Christmas spirit of things but if i had to choose one it would have to be 'Fairytale of New York' even thought it isn't officially a Christmas song and it has hardly anything to do with Christmas its amazing and fun to sing along too!

9. Did you go Black Friday shopping this year?
I didn't really go out and go shopping because here in the UK we don't really have Black Friday but amazon were going their annual sale and i managed to buy a bottle of Nicki Minaj perfume for £15 instead of £38. AMAZING!

10. Must have winter lip product?
RED LIPSTICK is a must for the holiday season and lip balm... you don't want chapped lips!

11. Will you be rocking an ugly Christmas sweater this year?
No, i have never brought or worn a Christmas jumper. Christmas day i usually spend my time in my onsie or new PJ's that my mom and dad have brought me! Better to be comfortable that to be itchy and uncomfortable.

12. Have you ever had a white Christmas where you live?
We have but i don't think we will this year, unless the heavens suddenly open with a flood of snow tonight all we will be getting this year is wind, rain and frost!

13. Favorite winter candle scent?
This year i have been loving 'Merry Marshmallow' by Yankee candle and since its now Christmas eve i can now burn the 'Christmas Eve' Wax tart i brought! EXCITING TIMES!!

14. How will you be celebrating this holiday
I shall be spending it with family, enjoying food and just enjoying the relaxation time i have off from not being at school! Perfect Christmas time to me!

I hope you guys enjoyed that tag!
I just thought it would be some thing a little different!
Anyways like i said i hope you all have a wondering Christmas/Holiday with your loved ones.
Take Care.
Post soon x

Friday 20 December 2013

Primark Beauty Eyeliner Pen ♥

Hey guys!
I've been meaning to do this review for a while now and every time i have thought of sitting down to type it something else has always grabbed my attention and later on I've forgot but I've remembered and here we go!
Today's post as you can tell by the title is about the Primark Beauty Eyeliner pen in black.

I brought this for £1.50 as you can see from the picture above and at first it was amazing and it lasted all day, glided on perfectly and the tip was just like a felt tip pen which i have used and liked in the past from makeup brands such as MUA. This tip of this product looked like this.

As you can see its just a normal felt tip pen. The lines that this product makes can differ from really thin, thin and thick depending on how you wanted to style your eye make up.

I used this for about 2 to 3 weeks not every day because i hardly put eye makeup on a day to day basis but on about the 3rd or 4th week of me going to use this eyeliner I took the cap off to something horrible and disgusting. GREEN MOLD HAD STARTED TO FORM ON THE TIP OF THE PEN!! I'm not talking just a little bit im taking about 30-50% of the tip covered in this green mold ball. I didn't take a picture of the mold because my first instinct was to throw it half way across my room into my bin and feel disgusted at the fact that I had been putting that product on my eyes and it could have easily given me an infection. 
Honestly I don't think i will buy any more Primark beauty products. This was enough to put me off. Be careful which was makeup you buy, it may not be safe
Hope your all having a good day/night.
Take care.
Post soon x

Monday 9 December 2013

Tis the season to be jolly!

Hey guys!
Hope you are all okay. 
As i type this i am listening to Michael Buble's Christmas album getting in the spirit of christmas since it is finally DECEMBER!
This year has gone so quick I can't believe we are nearly in 2014!
I haven't posted in a while and i like i always do when i have been away for a block period of time i always let you guys know what i have been up too and what you can look forward too!
Let's get the boring part over so you guys can read what's coming up!
I've been watching too many YouTube videos recently since many of my favorite youtubers have started doing vlogmas since its the run up to christmas which isn't really helping with the fact i have loads of homework building up and blog posts to put up for you guys!
 Also last weekend i put the christmas decorations up which me and my family always do on the first weekend in December, this is the point where i can start getting excited for christmas and begin to get all festive! I do get some christmas present during November but to be honest that seems more of a chore at that time of year more than a fun time. However this is the first year in ages that i have not waited until the last week before christmas to buy presents! Pat on the back to me!

SO... What's coming up? 
I have a mini candle haul coming up soon as well a couple of hauls and a couple of chatty posts! Stay tuned for those and maybe a couple of random posts!
Take Care.
Post soon x