Sunday 3 January 2016

New Year, Same Me Just A Few Changes ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you all had a wonderful christmas and new year with your loved ones!
Every year the quote "New Year, New Me" gets used ALOT.
Everyone says it and within a month they are back to the same person they used to be doing the same old things.
I've decided this year i'm not going for a 'New Me' I'm simply going to stay who I was last year but make a few life changes.
I always used to be the person who make new year resolutions
 and within a month they are out of the window and all forgot about but this year feels different so I hope they stick.

Diets are always on the top of everyone's list when it comes to making a change in the new year and i'm no different. This year I've started to watch what I am eating, drinking loads of water and trying to stay more active.

I have recently set up on own business which I have been keeping a secret for a few months now (I'll do a blog post on it soon, I promise). I hope this year brings luck upon the business, allowing it to lift off the ground the way I am hoping. I plan on getting myself out there and putting every bit of strength and willpower into making this business work. Motivation is key and I started to lack it at the end of the last year but I am trying to lift myself back up and get inspiration in any way that I can to build this business up to be what I want it to be.

Family and Friends are a huge part of my life and this year I plan on trying to spend more time with them between running my business. This year already looks bright with the concerts me and Jess have going to and I couldn't be going to see them with anyone better than her! I plan for more adventures for us to go to random places we decide upon the day before. I plan on having evenings where we all sit together as a family and play games and enjoy each others company more. I also hope this year brings happiness to everyone I know.

Many of what I classed as friends have disappeared over the past year. Some have changed in ways I couldn't and didn't want to keep up with and looking back on it as bad as it sounds i'm rather happy with letting them go out of my life. I have no harsh feeling towards these people don't get me wrong I wish the best for them in whatever they are doing right now but I'm glad i'm not apart of their life's anymore.

This blog has been apart of my life for a few years now and it will always be a love of mine. Last year I was posting twice a week and rarely missed a post. However with now trying to run my business I am going to have take the posts down to one a week and my upload day will be on Sunday. (The only day I get off haha) I hope you guys are okay with this and still enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

This year I hope you. Yes you reading this have a wonderful year. I hope you get to go places, see things and people you have never seen before and wake up every day with a smile on your face ready for another beautiful day. I hope you get the exam results you are looking for in your school years and get jobs you have been dreaming about since you were younger.
I wish happiness for you.
I wish happiness for my family, friends and myself.
I wish happiness for the whole world.

I hope you all have a wonderful new year
See you back here next sunday with another blog post!

Take Care
Post Soon x

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