Sunday 8 November 2015

Meeting Conor Maynard - 3 Year Anniversary ♥

Hey guys!
So today marks 3 years since I met Mr. Conor Maynard!
In a couple of previous posts months and months ago I said one day I would make a blog post on what happened and how!
So I thought today is the day I sit down and tell you guys the little story!

Okay so it all started the day before concert when I was talking to my mom about how I wanted to try and get a message and present to Conor while we was were at the concert. I then started to talking to Conor's bass player Drew! (Shout out to Drew because it's pretty much thanks to him that I got to meet him haha) I mentioned I had a present for Conor and the crew and asked how I could get the bag to them! I panicked and left the bag in the cloakroom and told drew to go get the bag. I didn't think nothing more of it while I was standing waiting for the support act to come on and just got talking to some girl around us suddenly I got this tweet from drew...

I was shocked and couldn't stop smiling just at the fact that they had the bag!
Them these pictures popped up in my mentions.

I honestly nearly cried and couldn't stop shaking!
George Conor's friend a tour DJ killed his set, got everyone singing and dancing
I was so happy and then the support act (PW) came on and killed it!
While he was performing and I was taking pictures on my phone I spotted a notification say "Message from +Conor Maynard" on twitter.
I was expecting to click on my twitter and it being a fake account.
He thanked me for the presents and asked if I was free after the show.
Even if I was busy and had to rush home or something I would have cancelled it in a heartbeat to meet this boy!
I replied back to the message and straight after texted my mom to tell her what was going on. My phone was blowing up with mentions and I had little tear in my eye!
I knew that I could possibly be meeting him!
I got another direct message from Conor asking me to go to the box office and his manager Mark was coming to get us!
We followed him, walk back into the room we were just singing and dancing in, down the side walking past Conor's brother Jack and Alex Conor's friend.
We walked into the backstage dressing room area. Conor welcomed us with hugs and thanked me for the presents, apologizing for how much he was sweating due to him just coming off stage. Anth came to say hello; then George, drew, Tonez and Ross came to say hello. Once we had said hello to everyone the whole crew came together for a group hug as an end of tour celebration. Conor and George grabbed me and pulled me into the hug and someone messed up my hair I feel like it may have been George but I could be wrong. It was so cute. 
Even to this day it feels like a dream. I had a picture with Conor which Anth took... Anth touched by phone... You can have the picture of Conor with my side cropped out because I looked a mess and ruin the other side of the picture, You can enjoy staring at Conor and his beauty though!

I was in such a gaze at what was going on and what we were talking about... I went in with the intention to get Conor and the crew to sign my ticket and it never happened because I was so nervous and starstruck it completely slipped my mind!
We got a hug goodbye and Conor's Manager Mark walked us back to the box office where he came to get us.
It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life and I am so thankful to Drew, Conor and everyone else who helped make it possible and were so lovely while I was backstage.
I wish I could go back and relive the day over and over again.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little story
Thank you Conor for being amazing and an inspiration even though you won't see this you mean a lot.
Take Care
Post Soon x

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