Sunday 22 January 2017

The Money Jar. ♥

Hey guys!
I hope you're all okay!
I ended last year with hardly any money to call my own as most of my money goes into my business. 
I vowed this year that I would try and save some money so I knew come the end of the year I could spend a little on myself in which ever way I choose.
Over the past couple of year I have seen the '356 day' money jar challenge going around which is where you put 1p in a jar on day 1 and each day you add 1p extra in each time. So on day 3 you will but 3p into the jar and on day 112 you will put £1.12 in ect. Over the whole year you end up with £667.95 at the end of the year which is and amazing idea.
However I am one of those people who will forget about the whole challenge by day 20 and won't remember again until day 50. 
So this year I have just decided to put any amount in a jar at the end of the week. Everytime I get given a £2 coin it automatically goes in the money jar at the end of the week along with any small change like 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p. My first week I put £6 in and at the end of this week I have put £12 in. All together so far I have about £26.30 and we are only 3 weeks into January. Not every month is going to be as high in value as others but thats okay because it is all adding up to the bigger picture. I can't wait to look back at the end of the year and see how much I have put into the jar!
What do you guys think of the '365 day' challenge? Are any of you doing it this year?\
Take Care
Post Soon x

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