Sunday 24 July 2016

Boots Pharmaceuticals - Allergy Barrier Nasal Spray Review ♥

Hey guys!
So recently I have been sent a product from Boots Pharmaceuticals. This is the Allergy Barrier Nasal Spray. Its that time of year again when everyone is cutting their grass in their gardens, the flowers are starting to show their bright side and pollen is in the air.
I both love and hate this time of the year. I love it when the sun comes out which in England that isn't very often but the pollen can get crazy!
I usually take tablets to control my allergies but once this landed on my doorstep I was sooo excited to try it! Something different!
This product retails for £6.75 on the Boots Website

I have seen many liquid nasal sprays in the shop but never a powder one.
I have to say I really dislikes this product.
There is something really unnatural about having powder up your nose...
I feel that the product didn't help prevent or combat my hayfever. Having to use this product more than once in a day was also another weak point of this product. I like to be able to take or apply a product in the morning and know I can trust it to last all day.
I had to refer back to my tablets after a few weeks of trying this product as I was really suffering with itchy eyes and I didn't think having random flecks of white powder randomly falling out my nose was cute...
However I gave this product to a friend to try and they love it!
They have gone out and brought themselves some backup for the allergy season.
Have you guys tried this product?
How do you feel about it?
Take Care
Post Soon x

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