Sunday 29 May 2016

Calmurid Pro - Body Lipolotion & Moisturising Hand cream Review ♥

Hey guys!
Today's post is going to be on Calmurid Pro
Body Lipolition & Moisturising Handcream
I have recently been sent these product to try and review and I'm not going to make to wait until the end of the post to see if I like the products or not I'm going to tell you right now that I LOVE THEM!
As you guys know from previous posts I have very dry skin and all year round my skin finds a reason to dry out from it being too cold out or being too hot. It get instantly bad to the point where I can't wear makeup without looking like I haven't exfoliated my face in years. I also suffer with dry skin on my legs which can be very very itchy.
Like any other dry skin products I don't really have high expectations as they all say how great they are and they end up doing nothing at all. I had never heard of this brand before and went I googled them nothing really showed up apart from the links to them on boots. 
You can find them here - Hand 
Cream & Lipolotion

The Hand Cream retails for £7.99 and the Body Lipolotion retails originally for £12.99 but has £3 off at the moment on the boots website making it £9.99.
I bet many of you reading this looked at the price and thought "Nearly £13 for some dry body skin cream... forget that". I did the same. However that was before I used it!

The hand cream is a lovely thick creamy texture which blend out beautifully and doesn't leave my hand feeling oily or sticky. This product contains emollients and vitamin B3 which is said to relieve and nourish dry and damaged skin. It is fragrance Free, has no additional colourants and contains 29% lipid. I do get dry hands from time to time with always washing up before, during and after cake making. This does a wonderful job of repairing my hands making them look soft and touchable again!
I gave my mom some of this in a small tub and of a morning and a night time she would apply a small amount. She has been doing this now for about a week and not only herself but I and others can tell her difference, her hands are no longer cracked and dry but lovely and smooth!

The Body Lipolotion is my favourite of the two. Like I said in the beginning I use this both on my face and my body so it is great all in one product. I haven't had any breakout from using it on my face which is always a big downfall with any other dry skin brands even though they say they are for sensitive skin. This lotion forms a protective barrier. It is a natural moisturizer which increases the water content in the skin due to it only having 4% of urea. Like the hand cream it has no additional colourants and contains 39% lipid. The consistency of this product is quite thin and is slightly watery but this is perfect not to create a sticky heavy layer on the skin still giving your skin chance to breathe.
I had been sent some samples to give to other people to try and everyone I have given them to love it just as much as me! My Step nan is a HUGE fan. She get very dry legs due to her medical conditions and everything the doctors have given her hasn't worked at all. This has worked wonders for her and has gone out and brought herself two bottles while they are £9.99 each!

Both of the products are white in colour and both have the same sort of smell. If I'm being honest it remind me a lot of cosmetics my nan would have in the back of her draws but its not an off putting smell at all. Honestly even if the products had a nasty smell I would still love them. They work better than any other products I have tried in a while and I will 110% be repurchasing the Body Lipolotion which I have used it all up which I think may be a while as its a 200ml bottle and I only use a tiny amount each time as a little goes a long way!

Have you guys ever heard of this brand or tried anything from them?
Let me know what you think!
Take Care
Post Soon x

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