Wednesday 21 May 2014

Exams. Exams. Exams.

Hey guys!
Exams have been going on for a couple of weeks now and I'm lucky enough to not have mine until the middle of June. I've seen loads of people stressing about exams on social media platforms and decided to make a post about it. 
The first thing you need to do is try not to stress yourself out too much.
I think everyone has or will be having a moment in time where they feel like they are going to fail at something and nothing is working out. If this happens to you, you need to take a step back from all the revision and worrying and breathe.  
Revision is a good thing and keeps the brain active and full of knowledge. Many people believe that the more you study and read the better you will do in the exam. I am completely different. If I have an exam coming up I will let it drift in the air for a couple of days/weeks and at the final deadline (a day or two before) I will study my butt off. I don't recommend this but I just find that that its the way my brain works. 
When you do study make sure you take regular breaks. No one wants to be sitting looking at a book or paperwork for hours and hours on end. Every 15 to 30 minutes get up and have a walk around. Get a drink and go threw in your mind what you have just been reading about. The one thing you don't want to do is go on any social media or keep checking your phone. I know in the day and age that we are in many people can't spend a couple of hours without messaging people or updating the world on what they are doing. I am the sort of person that when something gets boring I automatically switch off and try to find something else to do. Even if that does mean me tidying me room... 
If you are really struggling with the whole worry of the exam talk to a teacher. They are there to help you with whatever your problem is, they will help guide you on things you may not understand and allow you to have extra information to help with the study. If you don't ask for extra help or paperwork you aren't going to get it. Take your future and school work into your own hands and do right by you.
Once you have done some hard revision take some you time. Relax by watching your favorite TV show. Talk to friends, take a nice relaxing shower or bath depending on which one your prefer with a nice hot drink and chill. Overworking yourself Is the worst thing to do. Over time you will just feel emotional and physically drained, 
The last and most helpful point is something that all teenagers don't really do and that's get enough sleep. For your brain to be able to grow and digest information that you have been learning throughout the day you need a decent amount of sleep. When you get stressed out your brain goes into overload made and at night you can be lying there wide awake thinking of the dreaded exam. 9+ hours of sleep a night is what you are aiming for. 1 or 2 hours before going to sleep don't go on your phone/computer or tablet. Phones are one of the main reasons why teenagers don't get enough sleep. I fall into this trap a lot and can be up until about 2/3 scrolling threw twitter and instagram. 
This time of year is stressful there is no denying that but take it easy and don't over worry yourself. I'm sure you will do amazing In your exams and will get the grades you want. As long as you try your best and know you gave it your all that's all you can do. GOOD LUCK! 
Take Care
Post Soon x

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