Sunday 13 September 2015

Burt's Bees Soap Bark & Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream - Review ♥

Hey guys!
If you guys follow me on instagram @MusicMadGal10 you may have seen me post a picture of this product sometime ago... 8 weeks ago haha!
I said I was going to review it on my blog so here we go!
I was sent this product by Burt's Bee's.
(You can get it for cheaper from Boots but it's out of stock at the moment)

I am going to admit it right here and now. I don't care much for skincare and having a skincare routine. I applaud people who spend time of an evening cleansing, toning and moisturizing, I have the time to do it but it's just another chore to add to the list haha!
However this has changed. I now have a sort of mini skincare routine which takes me about 15 minutes from start to finish.

Burt's Bee Website description
Burt's Bees Soap Bark and Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream is a rich, sulfate-free facial cleanser is made with a gentle, yet effective plant-based cleansing complex featuring quillaja saponaria (soap) bark extract and witch hazel. Luxurious lather foams away excess dirt, oil and make-up leaving skin feeling clean and refreshed. Extracts of chamomile, echinacea and aloe help calm skin while glycerin and cocoa butter provide a touch of moisture for naturally fresh, healthy skin.

The scent of this product is amazing! It remind me of fizzy lemon sherbert you used to be able to get from the shops near me as a child!
The instructions on this product tell you to wet your face and then apply the product. When you do this it caused the cleansing cream to foam up and help get into your pores instead of just creating a layer of cream on your face as you rub it into your face. 
After you start to take off the face wash it starts to have a cooling effect on your skin which feels amazing! The bonus with this product is that is stay that way for ages! With some products I have used in the past that sensation happens for about 5 minutes and disappears, this one doesn't!
The first I used this product I washed my face with the product and was intrigued to see if it has taken off all my makeup so I used a cleanser I has sitting around. The cotton pad came back clean! No makeup on it at all! I was super impressed!
This is definitely deep cleaning and not drying at all! I have dry skin and if anything it moisturises my skin instead of drying it out!
I don't use this product everyday. I use it 2/3 times a week depending in this condition of my skin. I will definitely be repurchasing this when it runs out! 
Its is a must have! Go try it and let me know what you guys think!
Take Care
Post Soon x

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