Monday, 30 June 2014

My week in pictures! ♥

Hey guys!
Last week I was away in Cornwall!
With my exams being over and my brother drawing closer to him taking the leap from primary to secondary education, my mom thought it would be a wonderful idea to take us on a little holiday!
The holiday had a few ups and down! The sun was out one minute then the next it was raining to everyone's health being perfect and everyone being in a panic and an ambulance arriving to help.
I hope you all had a good week and had a wonderful weekend full of love and relaxation!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Random Garden Centre Adventure with Jess! ♥

Hey guys!
Hope you are all going well!
I know I posted yesterday but i'm bored and feel the need to sit down and type a post!

In yesterdays post I told you guys that I had just had my last exam of sixth form! I wanted to celebrate finishing and also go on a little mini adventure in my car! I messaged my best pal Jess and asked if she wanted to go out for a ride to our local garden centre. Yes two fully grown 18 year old girls where going to a garden centre no need to judge it's amazing there! 

I picked jess up and hit the open road! On the way there we were listening to the vamps and 5 Seconds Of Summer and other amazing artists! 
We got to the garden centre and the first place we headed was to see the fish! We ended up meeting nemo and his friends as well as a couple of piranhas, puffer fish and this little grumpy guys below! I honestly felt like a child again it was amazing!

After going to look around the fishes we headed to see the rabbits, mice, rats, Guinea pigs and birds. We stayed away from the reptile area because well... I hate snakes and spider!
I wanted to go to this garden centre because they had a lovely little candle shop which had Yankee Candles and bath bombs and soap and all those wonderful things! We turned the corner to find that it was closed. I couldn't believe it! That was a bit disappointment but we headed to the end of the section of shops to get some sweets! 
On the way to the sweet shops we found a gorilla and some pandas!

The sweet shop there is really cute, I didn't get to take a picture but it was like a little old fashioned sweet shop with all the old sweets and I ended up buying some Jelly Dolphins, Strawberry sweets, Twin Cherries and some chocolate raisins for me and my family to share!

After getting some sweets we went on a search for something that jess's nan asked us to get for her. After been told to go to a different place and see someone for the 4th time we found what we were looking for and ended up making a life decision while at the till. Me and jess brought 2 fish for her nan's pond. Best 50p I have ever spent!

Once we had picked up the fish we had to pick up names for them! Jess came up with Harry and Brad! Perfect names! (If you don't get the reference its meant to be Fishy Harry Styles and Fishy Brad Simpson from the vamps) They are so small compared to the fish in her nan's pond! They are so cute!

I know this is a bit of a random post but I thought it would be cute to mark the day of buying brad and harry and the end of my exams!
I hope you are all doing well!

Take Care
Post Soon x

Thursday, 19 June 2014

My Summer Playlist 2014! ♥

Hey guys!

I have finished my exams and sixth form and everything is good in the world again! I have been listening to more and more music recently and ended up making a little playlist of some songs on Spotify. You can go and listen to the play list via this link: SophsPosts Summer Playlist 2014!
Its free to sign up to spotify and I find it perfect for when I am out and travelling around!

I will be adding to this playlist of the course of the Summer so make sure you guys go and follow the playlist to get updates on when I add a new song I am enjoying at that time!

So lets get started!
I currently have 16 tracks on the playlist but I'm only going to share a few with you on here else this post will go on forever!

The first song is 'Tiësto - Wasted ft. Matthew Koma'
I can't remember how I came to hear this song. It may have been on the radio
or possibly from one of those annoying advertisements you get at a beginning
of a YouTube video haha! This song just makes me want to dance or drive 
around in a convertible car and let the wind blow through my hair... haha!

The next song is 'The Vamps - Somebody To You ft. Demi Lovato'
My spotify playlist doesn't have this version on it because it has not yet been 
released on spotify but even without Demi this song is amazing! 
Its has to be one of my favourite songs off the 'Meet The Vamps' album also!

The next song is 'Ed Sheeran - Sing'
I love this song so much! I cannot wait for the new album to be released so
I can grab myself a physical copy! I have heard many of the song from them
being played on Capital FM this week by Marvin! I had to add this song to my
playlist because of how catchy it is! Also a song that gets me and my mom
singing in the car... No pun intended haha!

The next song is 'Icona Pop - All Night'
This song is quiet and old one but it still amazing! It makes me wanna dance
and party the night away! It always puts me in a good mood!

The last song I will be mentioning in this post is a song I have loved for ages!
It's a song from an american rapper who I have been a fan of for years now!
His name is Anth Melo and a couple of months ago he released his first single!
I honestly can't wait for more music from him!

This song is called 'I Love it' and guess what... I love it haha!
Go check the song i have linked it for you above and subscribe to him!
You can also buy the song on iTunes just type in 'Anth' on the search bar and
it'll sure show up!

I hope you guys like this sort of post!
I haven't got any One Direction songs or Conor Maynard on the list because I
have their CD's in my car and is just easier to listen to them that way!
Just to add there are a few song on the playlist in which are personal jokes
between me, my mom and my brother, such as 'Wiggle - Jason Deurlo' and
'Hideaway - Kiesza'. Never the less they are still good songs so enjoy them!

Take Care
Post soon x

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Quick Post ♥

Hey guys!
This is just a quick post to say there won't be a post up from now until Thursday night/the weekend. Starting tomorrow I start my exams... I have my music A-Level tomorrow (Wednesday) and my film studies A-Level on Thursday.
I would say i'm nervous but it's more anxious than anything to finish and move onto something new and exciting in my life!

I hope your exams are going well and you're not stressing to much about them. Remember relax and take a break from time to time from revising!

Take Care
Post soon x

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Breaking Bad! ♥

Hey guys!
Recently I have finished the 5 action filled seasons of Breaking Bad!
I have no idea why I started watching but everyone has been talking about how good it was so I decided to give it a watch!

If you're not familiar with the storyline of the programme it is an American crime drama which follows the main character of Walter White (who is played by Bryan Cranston) who is a high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with lung cancer. Due to struggling with money he turns to a life of crime, producing and selling. Throughout the seasons we meet a bunch of different character who play apart of the story in many different ways. One character who I may or may not have fallen in love with is Jesse Pinkman who is played by the beautiful Aaron Paul. I have no real reason as to why I have fallen in love with him but before you judge either watch the series or look up a picture of him haha!

I was actually told the ending of the seasons by some stupid idiot on twitter after posting on a tweet saying I didn't want to watch the last season because I was enjoying it so much haha!
Even thought I was told the ending I didn't mind!
The ending was amazing and it couldn't have ended any better... well it could but if i told you the ending i would have enjoyed to see you guys would know the ending haha!

Less than a month I had watched all 5 seasons. Would I call the season addictive? Yes! They always end so you have unanswered
 questions and wonder of what happens next.

I have honestly enjoyed all 5 seasons of this series and may have to buy it on DVD to re-watch it all over again and again forever haha!
I would give this series 5*!!
All of the seasons are on Netflix right now!!!

Take Care
Post Soon x

Monday, 9 June 2014

My Singing YouTube Channel ♥

Hey guys! 
Many of you may or may not know that I have a YouTube channel! If you are new to this blog then welcome!
I love to sing and it has been a passion of mine for years now. When I sing I feel like the whole world just stops and everything is right again, my YouTube channel consists of covers that I have recorded myself in my bedroom alone. That's came out more creepier than it should haha!
I try to post as much as possible on there like I do with this blog and try to make sure that the songs are up to date and still in the charts. I don't have many up at the moment, I did have more but I deleted them because my voices doesn't sound the same any more.
If you are interested please go and check my channel out, it would mean the world to me!
Let me know what you think in the comments below or leave a comment on your favourite video! :)
I hope you are all having a wonderful day
Take Care 
Post Soon x 

Friday, 6 June 2014


Hey guys!
Yesterday (5th June 2014} I took my driving test and I PASSED! (as you can tell by the title haha!)
I took the test at 11:01am and missed school... its was worth it haha!
I did a lot of driving and got back a bit later than everyone else and then had to bay park which not to toot my own horn at but I am good at haha!
When I had switched the engine off I took a little glance at the sheet and realised that there was not as much markings as I expected.
He turned to me and told me i had passed and only had 2 faults!
I was over the moon and couldn't stop smiling!
When I got in the car to come home my driving instructor turned the radio on and Happy - Pharrell Williams was playing haha!
But yes! Another chapter and goal of my life complete, time to hit the roads!
Hope you guys are okay!
Post Soon
Take Care x

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Hey guys!
I hope you are all doing well! 
One month ago yesterday (3rd May 2014) I went to see McBusted at the LG Arena, Birmingham with one of my best friends Jess and one of her friends from college. I had already seen Mcfly back at Fusion Festival back in Sept 2013 which may i add they were amazing but I wasn't planning on going to this concert as I have never really been a big fan of both Mcfly or Busted... Wait to tell a lie I was a Busted fan back in the day and was devastated when they announced their split but my fangirl heart for Mcfly was never really there if i'm honest. When I first heard about this new super group that were forming I honestly didn't wasn't falling off my chair with excitement but when asked by Jess if I wanted to go I thought to myself "Why the hell not? I love concerts and it's another artist I can say I have seen!"

The beginning of the concert was hilarious they had a little video of James and Matt from Busted talking about the break-up of the band and how devastated they were and that it was a split second decision etc and after the interview section had finished they said their goodbyes and got in two cars and drove away... After a split second they were both back on the screen making back to the future references saying how they had to go back into the future to be with Mcfly and perform all together! They got into a delorean and zoomed down the street on the video and ended up on the stage in the same car floating down from above which was insane! The whole room started screaming and stamping their feet with excitement!
They sang a few songs and 1/2 way through they disappeared and appeared at the back of the area on a UFO/spaceship type stage! All lit up which changing colour for the next song including light up guitars and everything! AMAZING! After that they made their way back onto the main stage via the crowd which was brave in my opinion!

While they were making their way back to the stage there was another funny video which was one of many of the night! Honestly the video had people around me in stitches! They came back onto the stage one by one with the thunderbirds theme song playing over head, truly amazing! As well as the funny video between each change over the video being played behind then through the songs were amazing! Some had lyrics flashing on the screen but my favourite and i'm guessing many people's favourite was the emoji one, I couldn't stop laughing when i saw them haha!

The whole night i danced and sung as if I was a child again and I loved every second of it!

I'll never forget Dougie making the whole area chant do a back and forth of "pe" "nis" and wearing a horse head of a section of the show as well as a whole chocolate cake being thrown over Matt while wearing a wedding dress singing Crash The Wedding, HUGE balls being brought out by what look like security guards for the fans to bounce around and who can forget the three GIANT inflatable boobs at the end when they sang Year 3000 before they left the stage...

The concert was amazing, I am so glad I went along and saw them, they were amazing and i would honestly see them again to relive my childhood all over again haha!

Post Soon
Take Care x

Sunday, 1 June 2014

New Zealand Adventures: Week 1 ♥

Hey guys,
It was been nearly 2 months since i have been to New Zealand and i still haven't posted this post... I'm sorry I have been waiting for some new batteries for my camera to arrive but here it is... finally... the first week of my adventures in New Zealand!
 The first couple of days were just traveling... Plane after plane after plane... A couple of posts back you guys can see that I left the for the airport in Manchester on 6th April and took the Boeing 777 to Dubai! Our flight was delayed so I couldn't go and look around duty free which sucked but the airbus 800 was waiting for me to catch it to Australia! This was the first time I had ever been on a double decker plane and honestly I was shitting myself thinking about the facts that it was double the weight and double the people on the plane would it lift off the ground?! Of course it did else I wouldn't be able to tell you all about my time there haha! The landing in Australia was horrendous!!! The pilot thought it would be a good idea to hit the runway at more than 200mph and swerve the plane side to side... Not fun at all! I think everyone came off that flight with brown stains in their pants!
 During all of these flights they were serving food which honestly was rank, I'm very funny with my food and they pretty much served everything with cheese which for me is a no go or it just smelt rank! The one good think about the hospitality was that all the drinks were free apart from champagne but what would you expect the champagne they had on flight looked expensive! I did end up near someone who thought it would be cool to get pissed out of their head and keep shouting at people... He had to be about 40 which makes it all worse.
The ICE system on the flights were amazing! I managed to watch films in which I had wanted to see in the cinema but never got around too as well as watch a few of my favorites. As well as the movies they had albums, TV programmes and games which you could enjoy! I think I may have listened to Midnight Memories and Beyonce more than 4 times on the flights but they are good albums and played pac-man for hours and got all up to date with 2 Broke Girls! Yeah the flights weren't that fantastic but it's just one step into getting where you wanna be right?
FINALLY we got to New Zealand after a hundred and one security checks... The first thing on my mind was food... I hadn't eaten in nearly 3 days and needed some food... McDonald's was called my name! A big mac, fries and a drink for $9 which is about £4.50 in the UK... YES PLEASE! We then made our way to the little hotel we were stopping at the night (by the way when I say our or we I mean me, my nan and her son) the hotel is not really anything to talk about apart from that fact the lovely lady at the check in desk gave me their wifi password. I stayed awake until 7/8pm which was good going baring in mind I was ready to drop at 4  and my nan went to sleep at about 4pm and her son 5pm (I'm never gonna let them live that one down after all their talk about staying awake) haha!
The next day we had to pick up the campervan! We got an upgrade on our van which was a lovely surprise and it looked amazing! I'll insert a picture of the outside but the inside got pretty much trashed and looked untidy for most of the time we were in it haha!
While driving I went to save some glasses from smashing and fell down the steep step by the door and bruised all my arm... DON'T WALK IN A MOVING VECHILE!!!!!!
 We then headed for some food again... McDonald's and then to see my nans other son who lived out in New Zealand who sparked the whole coming to New Zealand in the first place as my nan wanted to see her grandchildren who she had only seen over skype, when she finally got to meet them face to face it was adorable, you could see how happy she was and it was so good to see her that happy, you kind of take things like that for granted of seeing your family everyday. We spent one night on the driveway of the house before heading off to Rotorua. We found a really lovely campsite called 'Waiteti Trout Stream Holiday Park & Backpackers'. The people there were really nice and we ended up setting up camp next to the lovely stream which was obviously filled with Trout and had cute ducks swimming up and down. The ducks were greedy gits and we ended up feeding them around half a pack of bread! 
During our drive to the campsite I saw a Wendy's and me being the little American fangirl that I am said I want to go there! The next morning we went for breakfast and I ended up having a bacon and egg muffin and they gave you some fries and a choice of drink with your meal, I had a coke just because I wasn't in the mood for a hot drink. I prefer McDonald's breakfasts not going to lie but at least I can say I have been right? That's the way I look at it anyways. 
After going to breakfast the weather wasn't picking up so we went to the Rotorua museum which was lets say... on the dull side... If you enjoy looking at an old bath houses then this was the museum for you! The other side of the museum was a bit better, there were wood carvings, tools and painting from the past and loads of other cool stuff! Even thought the inside of the museum was boring the outside of it was stunning! There is a long drive you have to drive up to get the house and threw all the trees and rain it looking stunning!
 That night we stayed in the same place as before and I cooked tea for all of us, we had something really simple but filling due to the little space that I had around me ha! We ended up with chicken and pasta in tomato and basil sauce, I honestly thought it was really nice, I have no idea on what the other two thought of it, I didn't ask haha! The next day we went to Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Park in Rotorua. This place is soooo cute! Everywhere you turned it was like being in a rain forest surrounded by trees and what i think made the experience a lot better was the fact that it was drizzling with rain. It made it feel like a real rain forest it was perfect! 

There were many different types of birds and lizards there which was different from the boring zoos we get back in the UK which are all full of monkeys haha!
This little cute guy below is a Tuatara (i believe correct me if i am wrong) it is a very old lizard which originates from New Zealand which is cool! I had a mini photo shoot with this little fella and i believe this picture is capturing his best side haha!

I think we got about 1/2 or a bit more around the park and the rain just fell from the heavens! We ending spending a lot of time looking at trout in a tank because the rain was falling that hard we had to take cover! My nan ended up cleaning some of the windows on the trout tanks as well haha! We then ended up running into a cafe because we were all soaked and my purple hair dye was running onto my white jumper!!! We had a nice cup of coffee thinking that it would knock off soon but it didn't! We ended up leaving the park before we has seen everything but as we left the park there was a beautiful waterfall and even thought it was pouring down i had to take a picture!!
Post Soon
Take Care x