I haven't posted in a while and i know this post was meant to be a beauty review but this to me is more important and i think you guys will enjoy it a bit more! There will be a beauty review soon!
For the past couple of weeks I was begging my mom to take me to Birmingham on the 14th March 2013... the reason for this being is Conor Maynard would be there, now many of wouldn't know this but I have a Mayniac (Conor's Fan base). Anyway back to the story... I had been trying to find away to get to meet him again (Ill talk about how I met him in another post) but my mom had made me realize that this wouldn't be the case and would be a waste of time.
Anyway to cut a long story short my mom got me tickets to go and see NE-YO & CONOR & TULISA i know crazy! I went with my best lad mate Josh who I can't thank enough for coming with me! We had to go pick the tickets up from the box office when we got to the LG arena, Birmingham and the next bit i wasn't prepared for fully... Me and Josh had got.... FRONT ROW TICKETS! It was unbelievable!
The show began with the AMAZING AND TALENTED Conor Maynard! and he smashed the place to bits! (I've seen him live before and he was amazing then but this was on some other sort of level plus with how close I was to him made it even better) He sang 5+ songs, i can't remember how many to be exact because well... I was fangirling, dying, singing and dance at this point! During his time on stage Conor looked at me TWICE, smiled and winked at me... it couldn't have gotten any better. Ill place a picture of him preforming for you guys, even thought the quality may be shocking due to be dancing around, but you will get the main idea!

After Conor, Tulisa was up next to preform. Now I'm not the biggest Tulisa fan, but she preformed an N-Dubz remix and I did enjoy it a lot! I don't really have much to say about Tulisa and her performance apart from the backing singers helped her out ALOT but what can you expect from someone who is used to being on stage with 2 of her closest friend/family? Once again I will post a picture of Tulisa performing below.
There was quite some time between Tulisa and Ne-Yo due to the stage crew were having to get the stage ready for him. The DJ at this point was pretty terrible and he kept replaying the same remix that he had played as soon as we walked in to the actual arena section, but if I'm honest me and Josh didn't care and sang and boogied along anyway!
Before we knew it the whole place had gone black and the special effects started! Smoke filled the stage and lights started to flash as Ne-Yo entered on stage with his backing dancers, which many I add were incredible! So much energy filled the stage from just the first second of the show starting!
Ne-Yo began preforming and kept heading over to my side of the stage i didn't think he wouldn't get any closer until he stood on one of the boxes right in front of me! He became that close to me that all i had to do was reach out my arm and i could physically touch him. I would have tried but there was a hence bloke following him up and down the stage giving everyone dirty looks who tried!
With every song Ne-Yo sang his performance got even better and my voice was on its way out, then suddenly CONOR CAME BACK ON STAGE! My heart was racing and I felt like cry. I couldn't have been more proud to see my idol on stage with a huge artist such as Ne-Yo. As soon as Conor came on stage he headed straight over toward where I was stood and smiled at me again which was insane, I felt like my heart has just melted... I have no idea why he has this effect on me but he does. It was one of the best performances of the night! Ill insert another picture of them together!
After Conor had left the stage Ne-You carried on preforming at his best and carried on wandering over to my side of the stage. If i'm honest Ne-Yo spent more time on my side of the stage than he did the other but i'm not complaining it was amazing! I know i'm inserting a lot of pictures but me just telling you all of this isn't believable. The picture below is of how close Ne-Yo got to me!
From the picture above you can see a black scarf / bandanna in Ne-Yo hand that is point toward the camera. This became and insane moment for me. Ne-Yo gave me it. I know. I couldn't believe it! During the show... i know this is going to sound gross to some... but he was wiping his swear on it due to the heat of the heavy stage lights and he also carried it literally everywhere on the stage with him! Even with his several clothing changes he still kept it and returned to the stage with it. I couldn't believe at the end of the show it was mine!
It doesn't feel real still even when i tell someone about it! I know this has been a really long post but i hope it kind of makes up for the lack of posts. I will hopefully start to post more and more and topic i hope you guys will enjoy! i'm going to leave you with the last picture that basically proves and backs up everything i have said to you from being front row to Ne-Yo giving me his bandanna!
Take care x